To realize the goal of productivity improvement and securing global competitiveness, companies must innovate the operation of business system. We have rich practices and know-how on operational productivity improvement in various industries.
Our productivity improvement consulting presents comprehensive solutions for optimizing productivity, quality, cost, delivery, safety and employee morale, through the diagnosis of production system. Based on this, we build the customized model of manufacturing productivity innovation.
Customized productivity management and improvement system
LEAN: JIT (Just In Time), LCA, Fool Proof, Factory automation, Cell production system, etc.
Production system improvement: TP Management, IE, SMED, Cycle Time reduction, PAC system, Workforce Management, Equipment Layout, etc.
Cost Improvement: TCR/TCM (total cost innovation), VE, VRP, purchasing cost innovation, etc.
Operating System/Facility Improvement: VM (Visual Management), VP(Visual Planning), 5S, TPM, etc.