Korean government is also committed to new business creation, through manufacturing competitiveness reinforcement and ICT convergence via ‘Industry Innovation 3.0' and ‘Smart Factory’ policies. Furthermore, it implements various policies to achieve the national goals of the current government, such as the creative economy, mutual growth, and so on. And it takes the lead in efficient operation of the public agency and public enterprises, which are the organizations to implement the polices.
We are doing research and advise on effective policy development, implementation, performance analysis and improvement. In addition, we support and consulting for the efficient operation of government agencies through a management evaluation and long-term development strategy. Nemo Partners ICG has been a consulting support for the manufacturing industry promotion projects conducted by the Korean government.
Policy research: establishment of technology innovation promotion plan, establishment of technology policy road-map, mutual growth policy research, and research on the actual condition of consulting industry, etc.
Performance analysis: industry technology R&D, performance analysis of the practices for supporting small and medium business R&D, etc.
Management Diagnosis: establishment of mid/long-term development strategy & performance evaluation system, management evaluation consulting, etc.
Industry Innovation 3.0: Industry Innovation 3.0 and Smart Factory consulting, etc.
Consulting for Foreign countries: Eco-Innovation consulting for Vietnam, etc.