We have provided management innovation consulting services for leading companies in Korea for more than 10 years. Management innovation is like 'making a new organizational habit’. At the center of this habit, there are always markets and customers. To respond the change of their needs in a timely manner, the managers’ way of work in an organization must be changed accordingly.
To change the way of work in an organization, we are providing services as following.
To develop and diagnose the strategy and management system for innovation activities: We will develop implementation plan and innovation activities aligned with client’s vision and strategy.
- Management innovation diagnosis, innovation task derivation/selection, unique innovation model design, establishment of performance indicator management system
Implementing innovative methodology for various areas in value chain, such as sales, marketing, R&D, purchasing, manufacturing, and customer service based on the insight into customers and markets by industries
- Total cost innovation, Six Sigma, LEAN/TPS (Lean production system), TPM, Low Cost Design, Supply Chain Management Innovation
PAI (Post Acquisition Improvement) and Six Sigma: Methodology for process improvement after acquisition and merger
To design employee training and talent development program for management innovation, and design a change management program to meet the innovative goals.
- Change & Innovation training for Management, Managers, Engineers, and Operators